Americas Carrot Sun Tan™ “MANGO” cream (220 GRS WEIGHT)
Americas Carrot Sun Tan™ “MANGO” cream (220 GRS WEIGHT)
Our 'MANGO' cream from Americas Carrot Sun Tan™ line is the lightest and driest formula, perfect for all skin types, especially for those with dry, oily, or acne-prone skin. Mango oil helps balance oil production, soothe sensitive skin, and nourish it with B vitamins and fatty acids. It also contains lycopene, a carotene antioxidant that protects against UV damage and redness.
This cream not only promotes tanning by keeping skin moisturized, but also features almond oil to stimulate melanin production and henna to deepen and prolong your tan.
Skin Type: All/Oily/Dry/Acne-prone/Sensitive
For Normal Skin
J'ai essaye ce produit en creme en Mexique pendant mes vacances d'ete , c'est formidable en me donnant un bronzage exceptionel, l'odeur de Jasmin accompagnant ce creme sur la peau m'a donne un fraicheur fantastique sur la plage et apres , je recommande ce produit d'Americas Carrot Sun "Mango" a tous ceux qui partent en vacance au soleil.